The folder is a good function to allow people to manage their files and make them organized. You can find this function on the upper right corner of the “All My Work” Page.
1. Create New Folder
a. Click “New Folder” on the upper right corner.
b. Input your folder name.
c. Click “Confirm”.
2. Delete the Folder
a. Click the symbol […] on the upper right corner of each file folder.
b. Choose “Move to Trash”.
3. Check the History Folders
a. Click “All My Work”.
b. Check all folders.
4. Restore the Design from Trash
a. Click “Trash”.
b. Click the “Restore” on the upper right corner.
c. Then you can find it in your work.
5. Create a Copy of Your Design
a. Click “All My Work”.
b. Click the symbol […] on the upper right corner of the design.
c. Click “Copy”.
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